Knights of Malta Ball 2013

Tickets are now for sale for The 10th Knights of Malta Ball which will take place 16th March 2013 at:

The Sheraton Grand Hotel
1 Festival Square
Edinburgh EH3 9SR
+44 (0) 131 229 9131

Ticket Prices

Adult (single)

Adult (couple)

Table (10 adults)

Student (single)*

Student (couple)*

More details at

9th Centenary Events in Rome

All Companions should by now have been invited to join  the Order in Rome for the weekend of the 7th-9th February 2013 for the events marking the 9th centenary of the granting of the papal bull to the Order. The weekend will include an audience with the Holy Father and a reception at the English College. You should make your own travel arrangements but let Lalla know you are going so that you receive the necessary invitations.

February Companions Volunteer week in Nairobi

This year's excursion is nearly full but we can manage one or two more if they book their own flights. We have three Companions, two teachers and 11 Sixth Formers from St Aloysius' College, Glasgow in the party.

Further details at

The dates are 8 -18th February 2013

Order of Malta Carol Service

If anyone is in London this evening, 12/12/12.  the Order's Carol Service will be held at St James's Spanish Place at 7.30 p.m. Donations of £25 (£15 for students). Drinks and seasonal refreshments afterwards.

Newcastleton snaps

There are more snaps of the Newcastleton weekend here:

St Andrew's Night Ceilidh for Kibera

The  St Andrew's Night Ceilidh, in Christ the King Church Hall took place on 30th November and raised £1500 in aid of our Projects in Nairobi and the Mother Teresa Nuns' Home in Langata

10th Knights of Malta Ball

The 10th Knights of Malta Ball will take place in the Sheraton Hotel, Edinburgh, on March 16th 2013 at 6.30 p.m.

Ticket information, including online purchases, can be found HERE:

Companions' Concert

Two of our Companions, Ann Archibald, formerly principal soprano with Scottish Opera, and Liam Devlin, organ, along with Iain Muirhead, formerly principal trumpet with Scottish Opera, will give a lunchtime concert on Sunday 4th November at 1.15 p.m. in aid of the Companions Activity Weekend. Admission free - there will be a retiring collection.

Music by Scarlatti, Bach, Handel, Mozart and Hovhaness.

The venue is Pollokshields Parish Church, Glasgow.

Requiem Mass

You are reminded that the Annual Requiem takes place on All Souls' Day, 2nd November 2012 at 5 p.m. (note time) in St Mary's Metropolitan Cathedral, Edinburgh. Please come if you can. There will a reception after the Mass.

Activities Weekend

Many thanks to all who helped with the Activities Weekend in the Scottish Borders, not least the excellent instructors from  Rock UK.

We had 24 in our party, including chaplain, Father Albert Clarke CSSp, doctor, Robert Carachi, helpers: Ian Southward, Maria Nugent, William Nugent, Viviana Devlin, Liam Devlin, Gary Muirhead, Daniel Hunter, and guests Caroline, Tan, Stuart, Nicola, Chris, and twelve sixth formers from a Glasgow Special School.

 The activities included swimming, canoeing, archery, zipwire, and healthy walks!

Activities Weekend Update

So far we have plenty of helpers, including a doctor and a surgeon, for the Newcastleton Weekend but we could fit in several more participants. We will be joined by a party from St Oswald's School for Children with Additional Support Needs. If you know of anyone with special needs you think would enjoy our activity weekend, please let us know.

Osiligi Warriors - Pollokshields Church

Many thanks to all the Companions who supported the Maasai Warriors event in aid of the new school in Kenya. They raised £565 in addition to selling large quantities of beadwork and were great fun. A better photograph will follow!

Annual Requiem

The Annual Requiem of the Order of Malta will take place in St Mary's Metropolitan Cathedral, Edinburgh, on Friday 2nd November at 5 p.m. All welcome.

Activity Weekend for Companions

We are intending taking a party of Companions and disabled guests for an activity weekend at Newcastleton in the Scottish Borders. Each of our guests will need a carer and we also need some people to help with meals, supervision, supper, entertainment etc.
The weekend is Friday October 26th (leaving the central belt at about 2 p.m. although you can come later if necessary) until Sunday 28th October (back in Glasgow/Stirling/Edinburgh about 5 p.m. after a pub lunch) . The activities will include canoeing, archery, fencing, swimming and the famous zip-wire.
The subsidised cost of the weekend is £50, inclusive of accommodation and all meals.
Non-resident visitors will be welcome to join us for Mass, supper and social evening in Saturday at 5 p.m.. If you would like to come, or have a disabled friend you would like us to invite, please contact Liam asap!

Nairobi 2013

An Invitation:
A sixth group of Companions will be travelling to Nairobi in February 2013 to work in primary schools in the Slums, the Mother Teresa orphanage and to visit the healthworkers and other projects of Malteser International.
The dates are: Thursday February 7th - Monday 18th 2013, although some people may be going for a longer or shorter time.
The approximate cost is £400 plus flights. This covers full-board accommodation and all internal transportation. for further details please contact Liam

Gala Day at Castle Craig

Two of our Companions, Margaret and Peter McCann donated another spectacular gala day to the clients of Dial-a-Journey, the Margaret Blackwood Housing Association (Glasgow) and their own patients and friends. The activities included shooting, riding, karaoke, dancing, drumming and a lucullan barbecue.
The drumming workshop in full flow.
Companion Caroline Paul on horseback.

Companion Susan Macgregor and her husband, Robert, hosted a Garden Opening at their home, Lundie Castle in Angus on Saturday 9th June. The event raised money for local charities with 40% of the proceeds being donated to the charities of the Order of Malta.
The gardens at Lundie have been carefully restored during the last seven years, together with the additions of new flower beds, one of which has now been laid out in the shape of a Maltese cross.

Forthcoming Companions Events

The Order of Malta's 2012 Lourdes Pilgrimage is now home. Some future events for the year include:
Saturday 9th June Lundie Castle Gardens Open Day (proceeds to the Order).
Saturday 30th June Castle Craig Gala Day - see separate announcement below.
Sunday 1st July Annual Pilgrimage to (ruins of) 18th Century First Scottish post Reformation Seminary at Scalan, Glenlivet. Details from
Saturday 6th October Visit to Haddington Church and Lauderdale Chapel 10.45am. with a talk by Angus Hay, preceded by Mass at the local Catholic church. Afterwards there will be a visit to Nunraw Abbey with a picnic lunch (bring your own) and Benediction at Nunraw. The day will conclude with Benediction at the Abbey at 2.30 p.m. Contact:
October 20th  11 a.m. Annual Latin Mass at Torpichen Preceptory, Linlithgow, West Lothian (Pre-Reformation headquarters of the Order in Scotland) organised by Una Voce – Scotland.
Friday 2nd November 5 p.m. Annual memorial Mass at St Mary's Cathedral.
Friday 30th November 7.30 Ceilidh for Kibera, Christ the King Parish Hall, 220 Carmunnock Road, King's Park, Glasgow. Tickets £12 including light buffet. In aid of the Companions Projects in Nairobi.
Sunday 2nd December Annual Day of Recollection at the ‘Orders’ St Annes Court Care Home, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (close to Central Station).Times and details from Philip Scrope.
Monday 10th December 7.30p.m. Christmas SoirĂ©e at Dundas Castle, by kind invitation of Sir Jack and Lady Stewart-Clark. Tickets £40 from Liam Devlin or Jan Bruntisfield

Henry Lorimer RIP

Today, May 5th, is the first anniversary of the death of Henry Lorimer RIP.

Castle Craig Gala 30th June 2012

The Castle Craig Gala Day, generously donated by Companions Margaret Ann and Peter McCann, is a wonderful event for the disabled in rural Peebleshire and will be supported by people from the Margaret Blackwood Housing Association and Dial-a-Journey. Most of the activities, including riding, clay-pigeon shooting and of course eating and drinking require a lot of help from volunteers so all Companions are asked to come along and help - it is always a wonderful day.
You can find Castle Craig here and a car or minibus will bring some Companions down from Glasgow.

Feast of St John Ogilvie - March 9th (antic.)

We are anticipating the Feast of St John Ogilvie SJ by having two events for Companions the day before: either come to the College Mass at 9 a.m (Missa Cum Jubilo, Hallelujah Chorus, Since by Man came Death, Ogilvie Hymn) followed by breakfast, or come to the lunch at 12.30 in Viva.

The next two volunteer weeks in Nairobi

The next two volunteer weeks in Nairobi will take place from September 7th - 17th 2011 and from February 17th - 27th 2012. All welcome - approximate cost £350 plus flights. Details from LD.

Serata Africana

The February 2012 Companions will have their Serata Africana in VIVA, Bothwell St, Glasgow, on Tuesday 20th March at 7p.m. Please make sure I have your photographs by then so that we can project them in the course of the evening. Dinner will be about £15 depending on what you order. I will get the drinks. Please let me know how many of your family will be coming so that I can alert Marco, who is kindly giving us the whole back room as usual.

Companions Volunteer Week in Nairobi

A group of Companions, along with a group of Sixth Formers from St Aloysius' College, Glasgow, spent a memorable ten days doing hospitaller work in Nairobi. They visited the Nyumbani Aids Orphanage, Mirror of Hope, Foundation of Hope, Community Health Workers, and Sisters of Charity Home as well as working in four schools in Kibera Slum. Alice Murphy joined us for dinner on Thursday when we were celebrating the birthdays of two members of the group. Many thanks to Annabel, Rachel, Pam, Marie, Nicola, Julie,Tommy, Jim, Ellie, Alexandra,Olivia,Hannah, Lewis, Matthew, Michael and Danny. Also to our hosts, Thomas Nyawir, Madame Beatrice (Principal of St Aloysius High School), Sister Anastasia (Headmistress, Laini Saba Primary School), Mr Daniel Odiengo (Principal, St Christine's Primary School), Madame Angeline (Principal, St Cecilia's Primary School) and Mr David Dinda (Director for the Foundation of Hope). We are also very grateful to the Loreto Sisters, especially Sister Phyllis, who lodged us.

Castle Craig Gala Day - Saturday June 30th 2012

Two of our members, Peter and Margaret Ann McCann, have very kindly invited all of us to help at a barbecue and Gala Day at Castle Craig, West Linton, Peebles, on Saturday 30th June 2012. The clients from the Margaret Blackwood Housing Association will be there along with many clients of the Order of Malta's Dial-a-Journey facility in Stirling so plenty of help will be needed for what is always a wonderful day.

Kenya Update

A party of eighteen Companions from Scotland and London will be working in Kibera, Nairobi in February. They also hope to visit the Health Workers in other slums.

The Lamu Hospital projects are going well and Alice sends the following update:

1. There was a boat crash in early January with many killed or still missing The patients were brought to the Lamu District Hospital and were able to be treated there due to the new equipment we have provided - lights, operating bed etc... etc...

2. The Doctors' House is in stage of completion and the volunteer doctors from the UK are due to arrive in early February. I am going down there on Monday for 3 nights to make sure it is all ok.

3. Big medical camp upcoming in mid February with free medical treatment for all. Last year 4,500 patients were treated by volunteer doctors from around the world. This is only possible now due to the new equipment and facilities that are available thanks to the kind and generous donations we have received from you.