Companions Volunteer Week in Nairobi

A group of Companions, along with a group of Sixth Formers from St Aloysius' College, Glasgow, spent a memorable ten days doing hospitaller work in Nairobi. They visited the Nyumbani Aids Orphanage, Mirror of Hope, Foundation of Hope, Community Health Workers, and Sisters of Charity Home as well as working in four schools in Kibera Slum. Alice Murphy joined us for dinner on Thursday when we were celebrating the birthdays of two members of the group. Many thanks to Annabel, Rachel, Pam, Marie, Nicola, Julie,Tommy, Jim, Ellie, Alexandra,Olivia,Hannah, Lewis, Matthew, Michael and Danny. Also to our hosts, Thomas Nyawir, Madame Beatrice (Principal of St Aloysius High School), Sister Anastasia (Headmistress, Laini Saba Primary School), Mr Daniel Odiengo (Principal, St Christine's Primary School), Madame Angeline (Principal, St Cecilia's Primary School) and Mr David Dinda (Director for the Foundation of Hope). We are also very grateful to the Loreto Sisters, especially Sister Phyllis, who lodged us.

Castle Craig Gala Day - Saturday June 30th 2012

Two of our members, Peter and Margaret Ann McCann, have very kindly invited all of us to help at a barbecue and Gala Day at Castle Craig, West Linton, Peebles, on Saturday 30th June 2012. The clients from the Margaret Blackwood Housing Association will be there along with many clients of the Order of Malta's Dial-a-Journey facility in Stirling so plenty of help will be needed for what is always a wonderful day.