Companions' Concert

Two of our Companions, Ann Archibald, formerly principal soprano with Scottish Opera, and Liam Devlin, organ, along with Iain Muirhead, formerly principal trumpet with Scottish Opera, will give a lunchtime concert on Sunday 4th November at 1.15 p.m. in aid of the Companions Activity Weekend. Admission free - there will be a retiring collection.

Music by Scarlatti, Bach, Handel, Mozart and Hovhaness.

The venue is Pollokshields Parish Church, Glasgow.

Requiem Mass

You are reminded that the Annual Requiem takes place on All Souls' Day, 2nd November 2012 at 5 p.m. (note time) in St Mary's Metropolitan Cathedral, Edinburgh. Please come if you can. There will a reception after the Mass.

Activities Weekend

Many thanks to all who helped with the Activities Weekend in the Scottish Borders, not least the excellent instructors from  Rock UK.

We had 24 in our party, including chaplain, Father Albert Clarke CSSp, doctor, Robert Carachi, helpers: Ian Southward, Maria Nugent, William Nugent, Viviana Devlin, Liam Devlin, Gary Muirhead, Daniel Hunter, and guests Caroline, Tan, Stuart, Nicola, Chris, and twelve sixth formers from a Glasgow Special School.

 The activities included swimming, canoeing, archery, zipwire, and healthy walks!