Companions Formation day Programme - Sunday 19th June

Here is the draft programme for the day.

9.00 a.m. Mass in St Aloysius Church, Rose St
10.00 a.m. Continental breakfast in Convent
10.30 a.m. Welcome and Introduction
11.00 a.m. First Aid Session - Lillian Molloy
12.30 p.m. Drinks and Lunch
1.45 p.m. Talk: The Knights of Jerusalem Angus Hay
3.00 p.m. Tea and Open Session with short talks on our charities in Kenya (Lamu Maternity Hospital, Nairobi Slums Community Health-Workers) and Scotland (Order of Malta Dial-a-Journey).
4.00 p.m. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament (Convent Chapel)